Loan Fee Fraud
A type of advance fee fraud, loan fee fraud takes place when you are offered a loan either as a result of submitting an application or out of the blue, and asked to pay an upfront arrangement fee to secure it, only to find that...
Viruses & Spyware
A virus is a file written with the sole intention of doing harm, or for criminal activity. There are many types of virus. Viruses and spyware are also known as 'malware'...
Ransomware is a form of malware that gives criminals the ability to lock a computer from a remote location - then displays a pop-up window informing the owner that it will not be unlocked until a sum of money is paid. In some...
Downloading & File Sharing
Downloading content over the internet is a great way to enjoy music, video, games and other entertainment. Downloading is also a very convenient way to obtain information in the form of Word documents, PDFs, photos and other...